Monday, August 8, 2016

Benefits of Exercise

Ok, so it is no surprise to anyone who is breathing that exercise is good for the body.  Doctors, tv personalities, radio hosts they all inform us of how beneficial exercise is for our overall health, but so many of us miss out on this wonderful opportunity to invest in ourselves.  College students especially, are at greater risk of weight gain with the added exposure to junk food, stress, irregular schedules, and inadequate time to cook proper meals.  I along with a great majority of other college students are all to familiar with this downside of college and the dreaded "Freshman 15" which is very common for most students.  The good news is this does not have to be the case for you as long as you try to incorporate some healthier eating habits and movement into your daily schedule.  These steps do not have to be dramatic, they could be as simple as replacing that milkshake with an apple, or taking a nice long walk around campus on an Autumn evening.  These steps, though small at first, can have great effects on your overall health while in college.  There are MANY MANY MANY benefits to exercise that so many people miss out on.   Some of these benefits include:

  • Better Memory (While in college I noticed my memory was much greater when I was exercising regularly and eating healthy.  I did not have to study as long for tests and could retain that knowledge so much easier.)
  • More Self Confidence (Another wonderful side effect of regular exercise is the boost in self confidence that it can generate.  When someone is working out regularly their body releases more of the hormones responsible for the feeling of confidence, not to mention fitting back into your favorite pair of jeans.)
  • More Energy (Exercising has a HUGE effect on the amount of energy you have throughout the day, I always had much more energy on days that I was exercising instead of days that I would skip.)
  • A Chance to Meet New Friends (The gym is a GREAT new place to meet new like minded people, you are all in there for the same reason, to get better.  I met several of my friends while being in the gym, not to mention quite a few first dates as well.  If you are generally a shy person then take a friend along with you so you do not feel quite as awkward.  I promise after a few days the awkward feeling will disappear if you are a shy person.)
  • Clearer Thinking (When I was regularly exercising I always seemed to think much more clearly when doing homework or writing papers.  Exercise dramatically increased my cognition, and mental thought process while also decreasing the foggy feeling many people get when trying to sit through an 8 a.m. or a late night class.)
  • Overall Health Benefits (This one is pretty self explanatory, exercising has enumerable benefits.)
These are just a few of the SEVERAL benefits of exercising while in college.  I challenge you this coming semester to get out and get active and see for yourself how much better you will think and feel if you implement some daily exercise and healthier eating habits into your daily schedule.  If you need help getting started with some general regimens, nutrition advice, or exercise plans then feel free to email me at do not be shy.

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