Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Making Friends in College

              Making new friends in college is a must!!  Not only is this crucial for college, but also for life in general.  The connections you make in college can turn into life long friendships that are invaluable.  One great tip for any student whether you are freshman or senior is to make some friends that are studying the same concentration as you.
             I emphasize "same concentration" because these are people you will be seeing every semester day in and day out because you both will be taking the same classes throughout school.  This was a great asset to myself because I always had people to turn to if I needed help with homework, or if I needed a partner for a group assignment in class.  Not only did making friends in the same concentration help me, but I was able to help many of my friends throughout my entire college career because we always had the same classes together and were always working on the same assignments.
            There were several times where my friends and I would make huge homework/project groups with 10-15 people in the library or at my apartment and collectively work on assignments so we could bounce ideas around and help each other on difficult subjects.  The old saying "many hands do light work" proves itself to be quite true.  Having friends in the same concentration can also be very helpful when its time to find a partner for group projects, which you WILL see in almost every class. Once you create these friendships you will have a go to guy/girl to partner up with in class projects, and after a couple of these projects you become comfortable with that partner(s).  Projects will seem easier after you have done a couple of them with that friend and gotten comfortable with each other.
           These friends are great for more than just assignments, once you make these new friends you instantly have someone to hangout with, or go to the gym with because most of the time you both are on the same class schedule.  If you are lucky these friendships will last a lifetime, and twenty years down the road you will have someone to reminisce with about all of the crazy, funny, stupid things you did in college

                                             Image result for quotes about friends in college

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