Tuesday, February 7, 2017


      Too many times we fall short of our optimal potential, whether it be academically, in the gym, at work, or even in our faith because we do not set goals.  For some they set goals but they are the wrong type of goals (do not have a time line, are not measurable, or not realistic).  When I think of goals I think of an archer taking shots at his target.  His goal is to hit the bulls eye, it is specific, measurable, and achievable.  The only way he will reach this goal is by focusing deeply with every shot taken, and staring directly at his goal (the bulls eye).  Going through life or school without setting goals is like an archer shooting at a target hoping to hit the bulls eye, but he does not aim, he just pulls the string back with no focus at all and lets the arrow fly.
      Goals can be set for pretty much any aspect of your life.  An example for students could be (I want to make the dean's list this semester).  This goal might seem large and possibly unattainable at first but it can be broken down into numerous smaller goals that make the large goal, in this case the dean's list, attainable.  A smaller goal could be to make an A on your next biology test.  If you set enough of those small goals to make A's on particular tests then you will most definitely make the dean's list.  People use goal setting all the time, but many times they fail because the goals lacked the crucial characteristics that all goals need and that is they must be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and have a Timeline.
      A goal much like a bulls eye must be specific!  You may set a goal for yourself to do better this semester in a particular class, but this is not specific.  A better way to phrase this goal would be "I will make an A in Calc 1 this semester.  This goal is specific (making an A), measurable (grades provide measured feedback), achievable (this goal is possible), and it has a timeline (this semester).  Many people make goals but fail to make them specific and they wonder why they never reach that goal.  This is also seen alot in the fitness industry, people will set a goal "to lose weight this year" but fail to make it specific and therefore never attain that goal,  When instead they should have rephrased it to be "I want to lose 30lbs my May 30th.
      Goals must be measurable!  The archer can aim,shoot, and get instant measurable feedback on his goal of hitting the bulls eye.  He can measure his success by seeing how close he got to the bulls eye. Like this, your goal should also be measurable.  This can easily be done in college setting, you get instant measurable feedback every time you receive a grade on a quiz or test.  You can then use that feedback to measure how far you are from your goal of making an A in Calc1.
Goals need to be achievable, if the goal is not reasonable and achievable then you will get discouraged quickly.  This would be like the archer making a goal of hitting a target 1 mile away with only his bow and arrow, this is not achievable and the archer is sure to fail.  The archer could set a goal of hitting a target at 100 yards, this goal is achievable.
      Finally all goals need to have a timeline!  If your goal does not have a definite timeline you are more likely to procrastinate and put things off till tomorrow.  The bad news is eventually that tomorrow never comes, and this time a year from now you will be stuck in the same position.  For college make timelines for your goals like "I want to study 2 chapters by Friday for the test".
      Use these tips and you will be well on your way to achieving what you set out to do.  Also use these same principles of goal setting for virtually any other aspect of your life.   I promise, I have put this to the test and it works every time!


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